Carolyns Country Cousins Pumpkin Patch
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Carolyn's Country Cousins Pumpkin Patch

Carolyn's Country Cousins Pumpkin Patch is found on an 80 acre farm where the owners grow pumpkins, corn, and soybeans. 20 acres of the farm are set aside for the pumpkin patch and fall entertainment. Fall fun at the farm includes: a pumpkin patch, Little Bud's Railroad, Uncle Lester's Pig Races, a petting farm, and more!

There are also several food and gift stops that you'll want to visit at Carolyn's Country Cousin Pumpkin Patch. Visit Country Store & Gifts to buy a nice souvenir from your trip. If you hungry, there are several delicious snacks available at the farm. Food options at Carolyn's Country Cousins Pumpkin Patch include: Red Barn Bakery and Kate's Sandwich Kitchen. Pumpkin donuts, kettle corn, wine, fudge, and roasted nuts are also sold at the farm.
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